Kimberly's Story

My Hair loss journey was a long emotional road AND it’s something I’ve kept private for 25+ years. 

When I was 16 I was in a car accident that caused head trauma and scalped me in a few spots and when my hair started growing BACK it wouldn’t cover my bald spot at 18 I saw Dr who did a biopsy and that’s when Alopecia became my secret. 

That’s also when my life with alternative hair began and I started wearing hair extensions. Then when I could no longer hide the thinning on top I moved to  toppers WITH the extensions. I felt like everyone could tell. It consumed me…I hated what I saw when I looked in the mirror ….I was late for everything partly because I stood there for hours trying to hide what I thought looked so obvious. 

It does get easier but there are times that are hard. About 3 years ago a woman walked past me in the grocery store and whispered under her breath.. “nice wig” I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach..

Soon after that I discovered the  social media wig groups AND that’s when my life really started to change.

I shaved my head for child cancer fundraiser last year - which emotionally wasn’t easy but it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I felt FREE. Can’t explain it … I guess it was because I was no longer hiding a secret. 

Now I’m paying it forward and helping other women know they’re not alone in their hair loss journey. We are all uniquely beautiful and hair does not define us.